A Lot Has Changed…
- Student disengagement
- A growing demand for 21st century skills
- An uncertain future – many of tomorrow’s jobs don’t yet exist
- Accelerating technological and environmental change
- The need for creative & multidisciplinary thinkers
- The need for critical media literacy

Global Moonshots in Education aims to transform a 100 year old, industrial era education protocol into a relevant, self directed experience that will empower learners of all ages to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
We believe that enabling students to develop their passion through meaningful, real world learning gives them the skills and mindset to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Many educators desire change, but don’t know where to begin or are afraid to take the first steps. Others are already doing excellent and innovative work that would benefit from external validation and global amplification.
Our strategy is to train, connect and energize a global movement of Moonshot educators and innovators to empower learners of every age, around the world.
By creating the leading international alliance of educators, innovators and practitioners, we will drive systemic change.
1 Embrace a Culture of T.R.I.C.K.
- Trust learners
- Respect each other
- Foster Independence
- Enable Collaboration
- Support with Kindness
2 Adopt the Moonshots Learning Framework – From “Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side”
- Student Agency
Students should be the drivers of their own education. The role fo the teacher is guiding, curating, supporting
- Passion-Building
Students must learn to embrace failure, rigor, diedication, and passion in work and learning. Educatiors model this.
- Real World Work
Students must produce learning projects with real world applications and an authentic audience
- Mastery Learning
Students must work to meet expectations and learning standards, as opposed to earning grades. Learning for improvement and growth not peer competition and points
- Leveraging Technology
To support flexibiltiy with learning and time in the classroom. Using blended learning is key: the best of both face-toface and online.
3 Foster 21st Century Skills – The 4 C’s

- Critical Thinking
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Creativity
- Student engagement
- School Climate
- Teacher AND Student Well-being
- Student Attendance
- Graduation rates
- Student literacy & numeracy
- 21st century skills

- Teacher burnout and turnover
- Student drop out rate